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Scattered Daily Thoughts

Welcome to my blog –a place where I jot down several things after my consultations: things I research, musings, answers to client's questions, quick motivation ideas, and more.


I hope you find something useful for your journey.


The time to act is now

Updated: Apr 24, 2020

...not tomorrow, not when you do this, or that, or get here, or there, or receive that extra something you have been waiting for quite a while, not some other day.

It is time to stop throwing happiness out the window, into the future. There's no more time for that. There's no more time.

Whether you want it or not, things have changed. The womb that holds and nourishes us, our mother, our planet, is sick. And you are here, now, neither back then, nor there yet. And it is because you are here, now, that you can do something #yesyoucan

In my previous post, I offered you a broad perspective on reality around us. Some of you printed it out so you could read it again with a cup of herbal tea or coffee, some of you shared it, some of you unfollowed me. Like it or not, sooner or later, we will all have to face what is happening, our responsibility in it, and choose what we want to do next. I hope you choose sooner. I hope you choose now. And I hope you choose to act.

And if not, it's ok. It took me 2 years to follow Spirit in Apus and Pachamama's guidance, Spirit in animals, in trees. Because of course, being a city girl who was always trying to deny her connection to Spirit, and suddenly having to acknowledge that everything was alive, was, you know, kinda weirdskis –to say the least. I hope it doesn't take you that long, because we all need you. Now. That's why I'm here. To remind you: you too are Spirit, which means you too can do something, many things, when your mind is free of blockages and your heart is in the right place.

You see, everybody has a superpower. It's not like we landed in this world to be left stranded, full of obstacles and pain, unable to achieve that which we long for. None of us is meant for that. We are all meant to have happy, joyous, magical lives, in communion not only with the rest of people around us, equally, but also with the rest of species alive in this planet. We came in as the youngest brothers and sisters of every species, to help each other grow spiritually and to contribute with the frequency of this planet and everyone on it, which is what everyone is doing, consciously or unconsciously.

And again that is why I'm here. Because, sometimes, realizing all of this takes time –tell me about it– and unless we open up to guidance, we keep on repeating the same patterns, with different actors, over and over again.

I'll fill you in on a little secret: all blockages can be lifted, that's actually why we came back, to heal past life trauma and offer a different vibration to the collective. That's why trauma repeats itself in this lifetime, usually when we are children, to remember, as a door that can lead us back to that very moment when our soul broke for the first time, so we can travel back and retrieve the missing piece, just like the missing piece in a puzzle, to complete our mission back then. And yes, trauma is the basis of sickness. Because I've been working with trauma for some years now, I believe that in the same way we can lift trauma in people, we can lift trauma in Mother Earth. Because we are not separated from her, every trauma we lift in ourselves, allows us to offer a different vibration, a more conscious one, with less mental, emotional and physical blockages. With less hurt to ourselves and others. With less hurt to Mother Earth.

The Peace we look for? It is inside. Happiness? Inside. Health? Inside. Everything I showed you in my previous post, can be shifted, if we all heal and go back inside, back to Nature, as it was always intended.

Every inner shift means a collective shift, a planet shift. Little by little we can all contribute to what is happening, for us, our ancestors, and our offspring.

Just as the Q'ero told me:

  1. First, Yachay, lifting each other's consciousness, allowing awareness and mindfulness to take place.

  2. Second, Munay, opening our hearts so that empathy, compassion and universal love can flow freely through us to those around us.

  3. Third, Llankay, ethical action, the right thing to do because the best for us is always the best for those around us.

I know the statistics, I know the numbers, I've seen the pictures, I've read the news. But then, I know Spirit. In the same way sickness can shift, so can the damage we've been causing to Mother Earth, who is now sick with fever. We can all do this together, if we wake up and help those around us wake up too. If we speak up our truth and act from it. And it's so important that we do it now!

In a way, life exists because shamanic healers like Daniel, Eduardo our P'aqo teacher, and me, in different cultures, with different names, hold spirituality for communities. We are in charge of waking up people to a broader reality, centering them in their truth, offering rituals, ceremonies, soul journeys and so much more here on Earth, which happen alongside other rituals being performed in unseen realms. Shamanic work (very different to that of some charlatans you will probably also find out there), creates the conditions for you and me to exist as we are doing right now, from a deep point of love. Even if you don't know what I'm talking about, or don't understand this just yet, we are all active participants in these rituals because they are manifesting for and because of our breath.

That is why I put so much emphasis in teaching you how to breathe in my Meditation Classes, because no matter how things seem to be falling around you, breathing connects you back to your essence, to your Spirit, your love essence, and Spirit in all things.

This BBC documentary, called Aluna, shows what I mean with all this. I hope its message rings a bell in you. Just as Q'ero have P'aqos and Ñustas, Kogi have Mamas. And we all help in spiritual, multidimensional ways.

Because as a human being riding on Mother Earth I'm shifting too, as was always intended, for the betterment of the collective, you'll see many changes going on in the following posts.

The first thing Apus asked me to do two years ago, was to heal the water cycle –I know, same face I made when I heard them. And so I started following the rabbit, down the rabbit hole, just as Alice did in Wonderland. This took me to build an Association to bring in a multidisciplinary group of friends to help. And in the process, I received news of a "Bioremedy System", ancient technology from the Incas starting to be used in the Andes to clean water, and "Water Farming", planting water in a place to have it show up somewhere else where needed. I still have to find out more about these two, but to surrender and trust, to pray without a doubt that I was being listened, to heal exponentially to be able to do the work, have been quite challenges to start with, that's why it had been taking me this long.

On the 28th of July, 2010, through Resolution No. 64/292, United Nations explicitly recognized the human right to water and sanitation, stating clean drinking water and sanitation are essential for human rights.

One of the lawyers working with us at the Association, was invited by the Director of The Mountain Institute some weeks ago, to film what was happening with water in the Andes. These are pictures of what he found, this is how some lagoons in the Andes look like now, after the glaciers melted:

The water from this lagoon feeds 500 families, like yours and mine, with the same rights to drinking water, as well as animals and plants. What you see is the result of mineralized rocks exposed to oxygen and water which generate sulfuric acids, acidic water washes heavy metals that precipitate into this lagoon.

And this is a message from a journalist in the Peruvian Amazon, from a couple weeks ago, where he shows us how an oil spill killed a whole community of people, animals and plants -because, you know, animals and plants also have a right to clean water, even though the UN missed that detail in their general assembly.

That's what I mean with doing the actual work. Without Spirit offering guidance, the right paperwork and the help from people I trust and admire, I wouldn't be able to do a thing to help. Not in the way it's needed now. And being a shaman in the XXI century means big responsibilities.

As synchronicity (it's actually frequency attraction within Spirit, but let's use a commercial word) would have it, last week my friend lawyer and I ended up at a dialogue meeting named "Recovery of technologies for the management of common resources in the Andes: a dialogue of multiple interested parties" held at Catholic University, where we met this woman:

Even though Magdalena and her sister Marcela left their community to attend University –thanks to their father they were the first women to do so–, they realized the teachings they had received lost a very important component: the soul of all things. So after trying to grow food and water the city way, they went to look for the elders in their community, the "great depositaries" as they call them, to remember how to treat plants the ancient way, as they treated people. In doing this, their tubers grew healthy again, and the "eye of water" was able to return.

Something I heard from her really rang a bell in me: "ceremonies are necessary, but outsiders have torn down our sacred places, we no longer sing and dance with Spirit, and so the Mountain grows old when the hands of women no longer contribute to its life, same happens with water and potatoes, women can seed life."

This is an article a friend who is already helping out through their NGO in Peru, Forest Trends, sent me. Their awareness on equality regarding water security called my attention, as I received it right after meeting Magdalena, and understanding why the Apus were pressing so much about the first Pilgrimage we've been asked to lead to the Inca Apus in Cusco. It gives me hope to see how people are waking up and organizing their resources to help from their own superpowers, in different parts of the world. We need more of this, please keep it coming.

Because of all this, I feel like I'm giving birth to the Association I am calling Thou Art Spirit, which is becoming an extension of my purpose, my work to serve others, which will have the new logo, news colors, news from each of us in the Association, what have we been up to, and volunteering positions that might be opening if you'd like to join, along with the latest news worldwide regarding the three topics we will be covering with our projects:

  • Health and Wellbeing

  • Culture and Education

  • Environment

At the same time, I will keep on sending you my weekly Personal Missive and posting here, for those of you who would like to evolve as seeds within your culture by working privately with me to develop healing and receive guidance for your own path, so you too can heal and step up from a conscious perspective, to be a beacon of light, understanding and compassion, and contribute with your superpowers to the service of those around you and our planet. You too have an important role in all of this, dare to wake up!

One more thing, as I just hung-up with Daniel on the phone: when he was in Antartica, he realized the problem with water worldwide reflected the inner problem people have in their emotional body. That is why part of our work together during the Pilgrimages has to do with guiding you to open up emotionally and allow yourself to feel. You feelings need to flow freely in the same way water needs to do so within Mother Earth.

Because Earth will no longer be what it was... it will be better. And we're here to guide you through it, so you can leave a better reality for your children.

If you're ready, I'm ready! Let's wake up and rock this world around through the Power of Love!

In love and service,

~ Luciana Stiglich

Medicine Woman

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